Deep Fork Audubon minutes, 1 September 2015 Recorded by Deane Carlberg
Participating were Deane Carlberg, Steve Trammell, Becky Carlberg, Br. Damian Whalen, and Donald Winslow.
1. We will not be at the Pottawatomie County Free Fair this year. Last Tuesday, I was contacted and told that we had a no-cost booth at the fair. It was in the county-wide newspaper that we were going to be at the fair. On Friday, I was contacted and told that the space was not at no cost. I was asked if I wanted to pay $100.00 for the space. It was discussed tonight and we decided against it. We had so little "action" two years ago, it was not worth it. If you go to the fair you will not see us.
2. We reviewed what has been done at the prairie restoration site. We are looking at designing and erecting a bird blind against the airport fence.
3. Two trips were planned:
a. Saturday, 26 September. Meet at St. Gregory's University at 9AM for a walk around the Abbey and grounds to include a visit to the movable chicken house. Afterward, we may go to a local restaurant for a late breakfast and talk.
b. Saturday, 31 October. Meet at St. Gregory's at 8AM. Drive to Stinchcomb Wildlife Refuge near Yukon for a morning of hiking around and looking at migratory birds. Afterward, try to find a local restaurant for lunch and visiting.
So mark your calendars for September 26th and October 31st.