Deep Fork Audubon minutes, 30 June 2012
Recorded by Donald Winslow

On 30 June 2012 we met at Lake Tecumseh. Present were Deane Carlberg, Br. Damian Whalen, Steve Trammell, Rebecca Carlberg, and Donald Winslow.

Br. Damian brought a draft of our bylaws which incorporated the changes we agreed to last meeting. We made some more changes, mostly to insure we would not have difficulty making quorum. Br. Damian volunteered to revise the document with these changes and to draft a constitution.

Donald announced that the Audubon Council would meet in Stillwater on 21 July. Donald will probably attend, so email if you want a ride.

We agreed to meet again at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, 8 August, in the Shawnee Public Library. Donald volunteered to reserve a room for the meeting.