Deep Fork Audubon Society meeting agenda     27 August 2011
Prepared by Donald Winslow

0830 on Ruth Beasley's porch

Chapter leaders (National Audubon Society has asked who our Treasurer is)
          Officers--President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
          Board members
          Committee chairs

Baseline payments (uncashed check for $200.75 from National Audubon Society)

Opening a bank account

Annual report
          Financial report
          Chapter leader report

Report from Audubon Council meeting at St. Gregory's
          Lesser Prairie-chicken festival in April
          Important Bird Areas (IBA) program--need for volunteers
          Collaborative funds were allocated toward IBA, so no longer available for Deep Fork.
          Next Audubon Council meeting will be on 21 January at Oxley Nature Center in Tulsa.
          Bluebird nestboxes behind St. Gregory's Abbey

Bird blog--set up your own account at

Email communication
          For planning meetings & field trips,
                     (join at )
          Longer list of contacts in my addressbook for announcements

Field trips
          Jona Tucker has offered to lead a trip at Pontotoc Ridge Preserve.
          We could also visit Chickasaw National Recreation Area.
          Tulsa Audubon Society organizes a Christmas Bird Count for kids at Deep Fork NWR.

          Bluebird nest boxes & other avian conservation efforts at St. Gregory's Abbey

Decide next meeting date
